What Marketers Need To Know About Search Intent Classification
WHAT IS SEARCH INTENT CLASSIFICATION? Search Intent Classification (also referred to as User Intent) is an Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning technique that pinpoints the PROBABLE intent from what the user said/typed into the Search bar. Do they have a question they want to be answered? Do they need to find specific instructions/directions? Perhaps they want to buy, quote, or inquire about something? Consultants often use the Apple … [Read more...]
Artificial Intelligence and Marketing: Things You Should Be Doing (Or At Least Considering)
One of the most common questions I get from Marketers besides “what are the positives and negatives of AI?” and “where should I start?” is “what are some things I can do with artificial intelligence in my company?” so here’s a quick list of just a few of the things you should consider: Advertising AGC (Autogenerated Copy) Acquisition (New Customer) Analytics Asset Compilation Assortment Intelligence Brand Safety and … [Read more...]