Increase your Online Sales Exponentially
with our Mobile Sales Improvements
The thing about mobile that is much different from regular E-Commerce or online lead generation is there’s a bigger chance that you WILL NOT get the lead/order on a mobile device than you will. When you foray into mobile, you’ve automatically entered into the world of multi-step marketing (not to be confused with multi-level marketing.) A big part of mobile strategy is determining how to sell where the user wants to be sold. If you know the user has propensity to buy/act and you know it’s in a specific place, you can change your marketing methods to accommodate them.
- What’s your goal? Branding Acquisition? Engagement? Retention? Customer service? If your site is an E-Commerce site, then make it look like an E-Commerce site from the get-go (you know, with things like a perpetual shopping cart.) If you’re trying to get something else, focus on it. Whether it’s a lead, an order, their email address – whatever is THE thing that you want. The most successful companies in the mobile space live and die by their funnels. They know what their end goal is so they can work backwards accordingly.
- What are they doing on your site? Someone goes to your mobile site and then what? What do they do next? What are the steps of the sale? As you figure them out, you’ll find that people who come to your site from the Facebook app on their Droid may want to be sold on Facebook and not on your regular site. A person who comes in direct/no referrer and clicks on the call button may want to be sold through video chat or over the phone immediately. Folks who use your store locator are likely headed to one of your stores, so the transactions will typically be completed there.
- What device are they using? Separate your handheld traffic from your tablet traffic. Tablet conversion is much higher than most smartphone conversion and it’s important to track your results separately. Also email traffic is typically “phone” traffic and if you learn how to separate it properly, you’ll also figure out how to design to it; what kind of landing pages you need, and how you can best use your selling space. Plus if you have a call center it’s much easier – and usually far more lucrative – for the user to push a CLICK TO CALL button than it is to maneuver your shopping cart if they are on a phone versus using a tablet. In addition it matters what kind of phone (e.g. iPhone, Droid, Blackberry?) What network are they using? User behavior will differ according to those variables as well.
- Where is the majority of your traffic coming from? You must know what your users are doing online to achieve any kind of significant conversion to, well, anything. Whether you want inquiries or orders, you need to know what your users are doing with their phones before you start asking for it. Why? Because people who come from Facebook behave differently than people who come from Twitter and people who come from Twitter aren’t at all like people who come from your e-mails and text messages. Track the URL’s and market to your users accordingly.
- Are you tracking your user linking? There are countless scenarios such as this – I take a picture of your product with my phone. I send it to you. I get a text message back. I open the text message and click on the phone number inside. I get IVR. Someone sends me info to my email address. I open my email at home. I click on your website from that email. I order the product from your website. Who gets the credit for this? What source is it attributed to? If I want more orders like that one, where should I focus my efforts? User linking tracks all the steps of the sale or lead and it’s one of the best ways to figure out where you should be spending more money. It often tells you where you should spend less. It also helps you figure out where you need to nudge. (Nudging helps reduce DTS.) When you start looking at your linking you’ll begin to see places where users get stuck in your pipeline.
- Are you working your diversions? Companies who have had the best success in converting mobile users into leads and/or buyers have found that “working their diversions” is critical. What does that mean? Put simply, it means showing the user a specific page based on what they’re looking for and/or where they were last. The second type of diversion relates to incoming calls, where users set up their diversions based on pre-specified conditions. For example, if I’m already on a call when you phone me, you could be diverted to a voice mail message, another number, or a live help service, to name a few. If a user text messages you, do you text message them back? What do you say? How do you handle them in the future? Those are just some of the questions that companies are starting to discuss.
- Are you analyzing your statistics? To be successful at mobile requires lots of testing and more important, really delving into your stats: looking at EXACTLY what the users are doing by AC (aggregated click) and then following through the typical user path of that batch of users. It actually sounds much more dramatic and complicated than it is but to start just pick a couple unique actions and follow those through and you’ll increase your conversion almost immediately.
Whether you are just jumping on the mobile express, or need help with your existing program, we can provide the knowledge and expertise to do it right. It all begins with a comprehensive review of your analytics, your goals, and your existing mobile program in order to uncover problem areas and target high opportunity improvements. Our recommendations will be fully documented, prioritized, and accompanied by relevant wireframes for a visual reference. You’ll have all the tools you need to make mobile work for you.