Geopersonalization works.
Unfortunately, it’s also one of the things that marketers too often slapdash.
Geopersonalization allows you to dynamically individualize your products, messaging, and offers based on where a user is physically located. Sure, you may need to test a few things before finding the magic formula, but there’s no doubt it’s worth trying.
Why does it work?
Geopersonalization works because different areas of the country have different weather, different things happening locally, different types of people, and different customs. We have distinct seasons. Our schools follow separate schedules. Our restaurants have regional specialties. And so on…
If you’re a gardening company trying to sell a Vermonter plants and gardening tools in December, you’re not going to have the same success as you do selling the same items in Houston. At Christmas, people have their pools open in Texas. Vermont has three feet of snow. The only shovels Vermonters are thinking about are of the snow variety. (Or those that come attached to beach buckets for the vacation you’re dreaming about.)
There are many things to test when it comes to geopersonalization. Some of the most successful things are dynamic promos/coupons and deliverability messaging. Remember, even if you don’t have a deal, you can still personalize what you say about something. For example, if you’re in Maine and I’m in Rhode Island, you will deliver my order to me much faster than if I’m in California. That’s worth calling out.
Highlighting different products based on a user’s location takes more time to get right, but when it’s good, It’s really, really, REALLY good. Incidentally, some marketers also find that showing reviews and sentiment based on proximity can make a difference. It’s not the first thing I would recommend you test, but if you are in a category where this could make a difference, it’s worth adding to your To Do list.
Why has geopersonalization improved so dramatically in the past few years?
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Because AI process and analyzes so much more data (ALL THE DATA!) so efficiently in real-time and at scale, it’s easier than ever to laser-target each individual on your list precisely and purposefully. However, as with your other AI projects, before you throw everything to the Gods of AI, please try some geopersonalization projects the traditional way. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, one of the most common mistakes I see marketers make with AI is that they go all in on AI without understanding how things work in “real life.”
One of the best parts about AI is that it learns as it grows. However, this can be a huge curse if you don’t know how/why it’s learning and what it’s learning. Roll up your sleeves and dig into a couple of projects. Develop a foundation and then train The Machine accordingly. Yes, it’s a little more work upfront, but your projects will take less time to manage – and will be far more lucrative – long term.
Are you using geopersonalization in your business? Have a tip you’d like to share or a question you’d like answered? Tweet @amyafrica or write info@eightbyeight.com.
A Down-and-Dirty Definition for Marketers. (Read more about these here.)